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Słownictwo marketingowe: lista podstawowych słów i terminów cz.II

Dziś wracamy do Was z kontynuacją serii słówek związanych z obszarem marketingu. Mamy nadzieję, że zapamiętaliście nasze propozycje z pierwszej części i jesteście gotowi na nową dawkę wiedzy. Zatem do dzieła!

KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

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A type of measurement performance to evaluate the employee’s efforts.

Affiliate marketing

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Paying someone else (business or influencers) to promote your products/services on their platforms.

Aggregated content

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It’s when you collect content from several sources, correct it, and put it together into one piece.

Unique selling proposition (USP)

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A USP is referring to what exactly makes your product stand out in comparison to the competition around it.

Anchor text

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The text used in a hyperlink. Users constantly click on a word or phrase that is underlined and in blue. When clicked, they take you to a different page.

Cold calling/emailing

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A tactic used by salespeople to contact potential customers via phone or email with whom the company has had no previous contact.

Press release

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A press release is a tool made to announce something that is newsworthy in the most objective way possible.

Media Pitch

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A media pitch is an outreach to journalists with the goal of getting them to use your press release as the basis for media coverage.

Buyer persona

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Buyer personas are the imaginary people marketers target when they design ads or create content like website copy.

Customer journey

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The customer journey is a phrase that businesses use to describe the process from when a potential customer shows interest in a product or service to the point that the interaction is finished.

Sales funnel

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A sales funnel refers to the buying journey new leads take before they make a purchase.

To jak, zapamiętaliście?

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